Friday, July 10, 2009

Long Overdue Post

I know I am way over due for a new post!  I won't bore you with ALL the details but here is a quick run down for you all.

July 1- Happy B-Day to ME!  I woke up and had a wonderful breakfast made by my wonderful husband, then ended up in the hospital with the worst back pain in my life... they figured I had a kidney infection.  Got some antibiotics and morphine then went home where Westin made me a birthday cake. Westin and his family got me a Bosch for my birthday!!  Also my mom came down and helped me finish my baby blanket! Thanks again mom!

Me blowing out my birthday candles! (NOTE: the 4 corner candles were trick candles and then Westin started telling me how trick candles are made.  It is a fascinating story, but too long to post.)

Finished  baby blanket (i know it is a bad pic but you'll just have to come see it in person)

Here is  a close-up of the butterfly's that I stitched.

Birthday present from Westin and his family!  I wanted a bosch really bad but didn't think I would get one.  I should have taken a picture of the delicious cinnamon rolls my mom and I made with it!  LOVE IT!!!
July 2-5-  Ended up admitted to the hospital for the same back pain.  The kidney infection they thought I had ended up being a kidney stone! 

July 8-  Surgery to remove kidney stone (yes remember I am 8 1/2 months pregnant)

Current-  Doing great!  I feel a million times better than I did before surgery... Everything should be completely back to normal by Tuesday (which is when I will most likely be induced and become a MOM!!!)  


~Mindy~ said...

Yes, this was long overdue, but I'm so glad to hear you're doing better! I've heard that kidney stones are just aweful, and to have surgery that far along! Yikes! The baby quilt is way cute, I just love it, and I can't believe that you're going to be a mommy so soon! Good grief, I still have just over 5 1/2 months left! You'll have to post pictures right away (as well as a last "belly shot"). :)

Leisa said...

yeah for feeling better!!! i'm so happy you're going to be a mom! and your diaper bag is so super cute!! and i love you so much. I love that you're wearing one of my maternity shirts. and that your stone was removed and that the baby is ok. And i love that we are sisters!! And i can't wait to see you. we're planning to come see you when the babies born or a day or two after. Yipee for babies

Marilyn Hardman said...

I am just thankful that everything is okay. That kidney stone was awful.

Unknown said...

Actually, I was just saying to myself that you posted a little too often. For realz (it's not for reals though, you can tell by the z). I've heard, though, that kidney stones are worse than birth though, so all downhill from here.

Sharece said...

O Chelsea, Chelsea! I am so excited for you! Are you excited and nervous all at the same time?? I remember being terrified just before I had Jason. I wanted him OUT but at the same time I was thinking it might be ok if he stays IN for "a few more days". O it's wonderful though! Good luck with everything. I miss you! Let me know if you need anything, k?

Sarah Rutherford said...

Chelsea! I've had two kidney stones in the past few years, and they are NOT FUN. I can't imagine having one AND being preggers! Good luck with everything, can't wait to see pictures of your beautiful baby :)