Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October Post 3 of 3

Westin got some free tickets to Black Island Farms (a big corn maze and fall fun place) from work this year, and then we found out his brother, Jon, also got free tickets. So we packed up the kids one Monday night and off we went! We had so much fun and were so glad Jon, Leslie and the boys were able to come with us!

Serena hanging out on Daddy's shoulders. We brought her stroller but she didn't want anything to do with it.

Westin coming down the "Big Slide" with Serena. I know it isn't that great of a picture but it's all I have to document it.

In the corn maze. We actually only went through the little kid maze.

Serena playing in the "sand box" it was actually just popcorn, but it was pretty fun still.

The grandkids going down the kiddie slide

Serena sitting on a tire

Isn't this the silliest picture?

Hope you enjoyed all my silly posts today! Enjoy! COMMENT!!!


Sharon said...

I love all three posts!

Sharece said...

It looks a lot like Corn Belly's. I went to that one and had SO MUCH fun! (We only went through the kiddie maze too, it was enough to turn me around) ;) Glad you had fun!

Leisa said...

maybea kid maze wouldn't freak me out as bad as a normal one. I hate not knowing how to get where i'm going

Heather said...

I really can't get over how big serena is getting! has it really been a whole year since I've seen you? we should fix that asap!

Joseanne said...

By the way, that last picture of Serena on the tire is probably one of my favorite pictures!!! It's the silliest, but cutest little face :)