Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Like Father Like Daughter

Serena is a little mover. Within the last few weeks she has become a completely mobile baby, but she has been pretty good about not getting into too many thing... at least until today. I have chased her around all morning keeping her from pulling all the DVD's out, pulling books off the shelf, playing with the computer wires... the list goes on and on. But I couldn't help but smile when I noticed her trying to get to all the comic books off the shelf, she definitely is her father's daughter. (Sorry the pictures are a little blurry)

I also had a whole bunch of pictures that I needed to get off the camera.

Just playing on the floor

I know it's blurry but I just love her little bunny rabbit towel.

More pictures from St. Patrick's day.

Enjoy! Please, PLEASE, post a comment!


Heather said...

she is growing up so fast! so adorable!

...will and bobbi... said...

Hi Chelsea, I have been looking at your blog for awhile but haven't commented yet sorry. Your little girl is so cute!

Leisa said...

You look great in pink!

Jennylyn said...

I tried posting a comment, but it didn't work, so if two comments pull up eventually, I am sorry.

I just want to say that your baby is gorgeous... not a surprise though, her mama is supermodel pretty. I love seeing her pictures, and look forward to when we can play with our cousin! So pretty.