Okay, so if you know me as well as you should. You know that I LOVE Harry Potter. So I obviously had to buy the last book as soon as it was released (or atleast that same day). So I did. And I am happy to announce that I finished and it is SOOOO good. I loved it so much. Don't worry if you haven't read it yet, I wouldn't give anything away, but you should all read it. Here is a list of why I love Harry Potter so much.
1. It is plain and simple Good VS Evil
2. I love to pretend that there really is such a thing as magic and muggles and love potions
3. There is one huge big love story in it that goes from the first chapter of the first book all the way to the last chapter of the last
4. It gives me a chance to act a little silly and talk to my friends and family about what it would be like to play quidditch
5. It is just fun to read!
Okay I hope you liked my list. Even though I know it is just a little bit nerdy of me to publicize how much I love harry potter. Don't forget to post a comment!
5 months ago
Oh Chatzy I LOVE your post. How very cleaver of you. As Nacho Libre would say, "Get out of town, those are all of my favorite things tooo." The other reasons I love Harry Potter are:
1- The complexity of characters. It isn't all good against all bad, it is a mixture of both good and bad within people and how they react to each. I love it. I think it has great and true insights on human character.
2- Everything about it.
3- Everything about it.
You are such a nerd. You can now no longer tease Jared because you have stepped your dorkiness up a few notches with this post....
I actually went to see the Harry Pottor movie yesterday. I really liked it. Kristie and Megan also got the book the day it came out and loved it!
I love it too. But I beat you. I finished on Monday. But that is because Ryan would take the kids to the park and say, "I am taking the kids. You stay and read." He couldn't wait for me to finish so he could start.
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