Tuesday, September 6, 2011


First off I had a WONDERFUL weekend up in Park City! What a great Labor Day! I will post pictures (as long as I can get some e-mailed to me by people who actually took their Camera) and tell you more about it soon....ish.. But today's blog post is NOT about how much fun it was. This is a post for me to rant and rave about how mad I am that while we were innocently playing it up in Park City some jerk broke into my house and stole my things!

Yep you heard me our house was broken into. Luckily nothing big was stolen, our TV is still here, our nice camera, our documents. All it looks like they stole was some cash I had in a jar and some 1 oz silver coins that Serena has gotten for her birthday and christmas from her Aunt Joseanne. The silver makes me the saddest, one of the silver pieces said "baby's first christmas" and I always thought it was so cute and sweet of Joseanne to give to Serena and now it is just gone.

BUT I am so MAD! What kind of jerk would be so self centered that they would break into an olds man's house (remember we live with an 87 year old man) and go through everything he has and leave a huge mess for him to come home to? I am seriously more bugged that he went through my underwear, and personal things that I am that he stole some petty cash. I feel so violated. Grrrrrrr

I don't feel any better now that I have ranted. Darn. I guess pictures to come of Park City soon.


Sharece said...

I can't believe it! I'm so sorry, that is frustrating! That happened to Devin and I when we lived in Montpelier one summer, only they stole the tv, the x-box and all the games and movies to go with them. It's a terrible feeling when you find out about it isn't it!

Capizzi Captions said...

I'm so sorry!