Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Short Update

I have a whole slew of pictures to update the blog with, Pictures of my birthday, Serena's birthday, a trip to the zoo with the Leisa and Andrew Wallace family... the list goes on and on... they are downloaded onto my computer and everything. But, for some reason I just can't bring myself to update tonight with a whole big long "catch up" update. So while you can anxiously wait for a big long update in the next few day's here is a couple of super cute pictures of Serena wearing my sun hat. Isn't she the cutest?


The Ure's said...

she is so adorable!! I miss you all!

Steven and Megan said...

What a cutie :) my kids love hats too

Anonymous said...

Serena is SO cute and I LOVE that hat! You must have bought it at Target when it went on sale :)

Miss you guys. I'm still waiting for Westin to give us movie reviews of the new marvel movies so I know which ones are worth watching... :)


~Mindy~ said...

So cute! And she's getting so big, I can't believe she's 2!!! Just adorable!

Marilyn Hardman said...

yes she is so cute