We hit a big milestone in our family today, Serena went to Nursery for the first time!!! I think it was an over all success. We walked in and she went right for the toys and didn't even look back at me while I was leaving. However, half way through she decided she was too tired (1:00 church will do that, especially if you normally nap from 12:30-2:30) and started crying. Luckily Grandpa Smith was walking by and was able to rescue her. Next week I think we will try to wake up earlier on Sunday so she can take a longer nap before church. But, like I said, for her first week I think it was an overall success! Yipee!!! My baby is so big!
5 months ago
She is so cute! And she is getting to be a big girl :) Nursery is fun for kids and she will make lots of friends.
she is so stinkin cute. I lOVED you guys coming up and playing this weekend. We need to plan more play dates.
she is so grown up.
I can't believe she's old enough for nursery already! What a cutie! Glad she liked it!
wow, I really can't believe she is that old already! we really need to get together soon!
Yay for Nursery! I absolutely loved it when Jason finally got to go to nursery. I felt a little confused at what I should do without him until I realized, O yeah! I can actually listen again! O I just love nursery.
I loved it when my kids were old enough to go to nursery and I could actually sit back and listen to the lessons!
By the way, you have the wrong blog address for me. I changed it a couple of months ago. That explains why no one evermakes comments anymore on my blogs. The correct on is.... www.capizzis.blogspot.com
Just delete the word "the"
Yay for nursery!!! Aiva is obsessed with nursery. She got to move up to the older nursery and they have more baby dolls with a bed and high chair. She has the hardest time leaving when church is over - her poor babies have to wait a whole week to be attended to again! Rena should come down here and go with Aiva... =)
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