Thursday, September 13, 2007

Trip to DC and New York!

Hey friends! I am back from New York/Washigton DC and it was SOOO Fun! But the hardest thing I could have done two days after getting engaged! Warning, tons of pictures ahead! and they are in no particular order!

This is me looking sexy in Central Park
Me in central Park again

Emily and Jen in Central Park

Brink sitting in the airport waiting to check in our luggage before going home! By time the end of our trip came, sitting down was the most exciting thing we could have done. We were exhausted!

Brink and I with almost matching beanies! There are tons of stores just on the street with way good deals for beanies and I love NY t-shirts!

This is Ground Zero. I was expecting something a little bit different like flags or something but for right now it is just construction. But if you ever have the chance you should google the future plans for it. It should be was super cool.

Me outside the New York Temple where we had church. It is cool because it is just on the corner of some busy street in New York.

I went and saw Wicked! and it was so stinking amazing! I heard it is coming to Utah next year and I am definitely going! It was well worth the arm and leg I paid to go see it.

Emily and I on top of the Empire State Building looking down on the rest of New York. It really was an amazing view! Although New York is very smoggy (if that is a word) so it wasn't as clear of a view as I had imagined.

View from the top of Empire State building. If you look closely you can see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.

Emily, Jen , Me Brinkley and Lady Liberty

Brink and me in front of this flag that from the other side has a bunch of pictures of immigrants. I really like this picture because you can see the pictures of the immigrants through the flag.

Here is a picture of the back of the white house! Sorry no picture of the front of it. Its a long embarrassing story, that I may and may not decide to tell you if you ask.

Emily, Jen, Me and Brink outside the DC Temple

Emily and Brink waiting for the China Town Bus to pick us up and take us to New York!

Everybody honks at everybody in New York! Sorry this sign is sideways but I wish I could have actually fined people for honking because it was insane! But this is a real sign.

Lulu, I took this picture for you. "Sarabell was scared to ..."

This is me knocking on some random door close to the tomb of the unknown soldier.

Lincoln Monument

Brinkley being tired from running all over Washington DC (we were both so tired!)

Wall of Remembrance at the Holocaust Museum. Which the Holocaust Museum is amazing! But very depressing!

This is Brinkley (my friend from work who went with me) and myself in our 4 hour layover (which turned into a 5 hour layover). It was so boring being stuck in a silly airport in denver for that long so we entertained ourselfs by taking pictures of us.

This is me on Emily's partio. It was so warm and humid and Brink and I slept in this little room off Emily's house that was just screens all the way around it. It was so fun! Thanks again Emily for letting us stay!

This is us the next morning on the bus with emily on our way into town (DC).

Picture of us after we caught the wrong metro and headed in the opposite direction of where we wanted to go! No worries by the time we left we were pro's when it came to the metro system!

This is a random stop sign for pedestrians! I had never seen one before so I just had to get a picture of it

And last but most definently not least. This is a picture of Westin an I the night he proposed. We were so tired after both of us having such big days that we came home to his house and crashed. His mom was nice enough to make me a copy of this picture so I just had to show you! plus I really needed to post a picture of Westin for all of you to see! Isn't he so stinking cute!


Leisa said...

For anyone wondering sarah bell was scared to hell. ha ha ha. Chatz i'm so glad that you updated it looked like you had so much fun!! I'll see you soon

Crystal said...

oh my heavens. so awsome. I love it love it love it

Emily said...

Hurray!!!!!! I LOVE IT! Will you please e-mail me some of the pictures? Brinks too? You can choose which ones. I just can't wait to have them. I am so happy you came. It sure was a party and a half! I love you forever and ever and ever.

Heidi said...

Looks like you had fun times in NYC. Glad you are back. Thanks again for letting me use your car while you were gone.

Marilyn Hardman said...

DC is an amazing town. I am glad that you had the chance to go.

Marilyn Hardman said...

We want more pictures of you and Westin.

maybe I should post a picture of your dress.