Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gluten Free Is The Life For Me!

On Monday I found out I have Celiac Disease.  I kind of suspected the test was going to come back positive, and I had been bracing myself for it, but it is still a little overwhelming.  For those of you who don't know what Celiac Disease is, it is an Auto Immune disorder where gluten (the protein in wheat, barley and rye) causes damage to the lining of your small intestine and prevents it from absorbing the nutrients in food that you need.  So pretty much it means I can't eat gluten EVER AGAIN! 

It has only been a few days but I feel like I have been on an emotional roller coaster for several days!  I go from feeling pumped and ready to completely change my eating habits, to overwhelmed and completely unprepared.  One of the nice things though, is that my sweet husband has been 100% supportive and, willing to go gluten free with me (as far as home cooking goes).   Also, I have been so surprised by how supportive my friends and family have been.  I have spent hours on the phone with my mom, sisters, in-laws, talking about it over and over again.  My mom bought several books so she could read up on it. (that might be in part because celiac disease is hereditary so there is a good chance she has it, but more on that later).  My friend Kim made me my own "board" on pinterest titled "Recipe's for Chelsea" and she has filled it with Gluten Free Recipe's.  I think one of the biggest tender mercies about this though, is that my sister in law, Leslie, also just got diagnosed with Celiac Disease so, although it stinks that we both have it, it's nice to know that someone I'm close to is going through the same thing.  

I can't officially go off gluten until I meet with my gastroenterologist and have a scope/biopsy to see the amount of damage done to my small intestine. So until next week I am enjoying all of the yummy gluten filled foods I can.  I made a big batch of my favorite Macaroni Salad, Lasagna, and several trips to my favorite restaurants that don't offer gluten free options.  However, I am getting more and more anxious to "gut" (pun intended) out all the gluten in my kitchen and start on my new "diet". 

Celiac Disease effects every body differently, and it is so often misdiagnosed.  But that is one of the reasons I wanted to write about it on my blog.  Celiac Disease is hereditary, if you have a first degree relative who has it (a sibling, child or parent) your chances of being diagnosed are 1 in 22.  If you have a second degree relative (aunt/uncle, cousin or grandparent) your chances are 1 in 39.  Most people who read this blog are my relatives so I just have to say that you should do some research on your own and if you find you have some of the symptoms I would really encourage you to get tested, it is just a simple blood test.  What can it hurt?

Anyway, here is to a healthier, brighter future!  Any and all support is welcome and appreciated!


~Mindy~ said...

That's crazy - but it's good that you were diagnosed so that you can take the steps to make yourself better! You are amazing so I have no doubt that you'll be able to make this change! :)

Erin L said...

good luck!

Leslie said...

Isn't it crazy how one little phone call from the doctor changes your life forever. So crappy we have to go through this, but so great we have each other:) I totally hear you on the roller coaster thing...some days excited and motivated...other days bitter and weepy. But, it could be much much worse. Hope all goes well for you as you begin to adjust. We love you!

Unknown said...

we love you

MJS said...

I tried to post a comment a few minutes ago - don't think it worked.

Here is is again.

Chelsea, I know you will handle this challenge with the same fortitude you have before!. You are one awesome gal and I love you. I already have a gluten free shelf in my pantry!

ariel june said...

Hey! I know all about celiac! Two of my brothers have it-one has his whole life, the other developed it later on and it was diagnosed a year ago, when he was 30. Maybe it's just cause I'm used to it but honest, it'll be all right. There's lots of yummy gluten-free recipes. And seriously, I'm glad you're being diagnosed NOW, and had it now, rather than several years ago (although you may have then, who knows?) because no one knew about it then and there were so few alternatives. Now that more and more people know about it and are being diagnosed, there are tons more options out there. :) Hang in there, you'll adjust! Talk to my mom for recipes, seriously she's a pro.

Steven and Megan said...

You can do it! Love ya cousin :)