Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring is Here!

I know for all of you in Logan it snowed last night, but I am down here in sunny Orem and it is officially looking like Spring! And I LOVE it. Serena and I have been going on walks to the park and playing and I have been absolutely in heaven! I will have to take some pictures next time we go and post them. Until then enjoy this picture of Serena and I from St. Patrick's day.

PLEASE, post a comment!


Anonymous said...

she is such a cutie!! we love the spring too. enjoy!

Heidi said...

Well, only since you posted on my blog... Love the picture!

Steven and Megan said...

Oh how cute!!! Pretty mommy and pretty baby :)

Emily said...

Um...let's have a picnic now that the weather is good! yahoo! Love the post!

Sharece said...

O Chels, You are so PRETTY!
Can't wait til we really do get together to enjoy this spring weather!!

Leisa said...

just rub it in would ya!! your and serena's eye's are so beautiful in that picture. WOW beautiful.

Brittney said...

You're such a cute mama

Matthew and Jennifer said...

I love the picture!
I'm also glad the weather is so nice...It's so nice to be outside again!

Heather said...

cute picture! and chels, you look gorgeous!

~Mindy~ said...

Love the picture! You two are so cute!